Top 100 Picks Half Orc Names

Creating unique and memorable names for your half-orc characters can add depth and personality to your fantasy worlds. 

Here are the top 580 picks for unique half-orc names, each with a one-word meaning and its origin, plus an example sentence showcasing how the name might be used in context.

Male Half-Orc Names

1. Thark

Meaning: Brave
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thark, lead the charge against the enemy!”

2. Gorak

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gorak, use your strength to lift this boulder.”

3. Krug

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krug, your fierceness in battle is unmatched.”

4. Burz

Meaning: Dark
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Burz, your presence brings fear to our foes.”

5. Durn

Meaning: Resilient
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Durn, stand your ground and hold the line!”

6. Mog

Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Mog, your might is needed on the front lines.”

7. Varg

Meaning: Savage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Varg, unleash your savagery upon them.”

8. Ruk

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Ruk, show them the meaning of true fierceness.”

9. Zog

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zog, we need your strength to break through.”

10. Thorg

Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thorg, your power is the key to our victory.”

Female Half-Orc Names

1. Krasha

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krasha, your fierceness inspires us all.”

2. Morgana

Meaning: Dark
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgana, your dark aura unsettles our enemies.”

3. Rasha

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Rasha, we rely on your strength in battle.”

4. Zura

Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zura, your might is needed in the fight.”

5. Lorna

Meaning: Resilient
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Lorna, your resilience will see us through.”

6. Thura

Meaning: Brave
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thura, lead us with your bravery.”

7. Gorga

Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gorga, your power is unparalleled.”

8. Nasha

Meaning: Savage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Nasha, your savagery is our weapon.”

9. Ursa

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Ursa, use your strength to protect us.”

10. Varka

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Varka, your fierceness is legendary.”

Gender-Neutral Half-Orc Names

1. Drak

Meaning: Dark
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Drak, your presence commands respect.”

2. Rukna

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Rukna, your strength is our shield.”

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3. Throg

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Throg, your fierceness strikes fear into hearts.”

4. Morg

Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morg, your power is our beacon.”

5. Vurna

Meaning: Resilient
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vurna, your resilience is our hope.”

6. Korg

Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Korg, your might leads our charge.”

7. Zurn

Meaning: Savage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurn, unleash your savagery in battle.”

8. Dura

Meaning: Brave
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Dura, your bravery lights our path.”

9. Norg

Meaning: Dark
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Norg, your darkness is our shield.”

10. Thrak

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thrak, we rely on your strength.”

Warrior Half-Orc Names

1. Karn

Meaning: Fighter
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Karn, fight with all your might!”

2. Grog

Meaning: Warrior
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Grog, your warrior spirit leads us.”

3. Braga

Meaning: Battle
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Braga, your battle skills are unmatched.”

4. Tharak

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Tharak, your fierceness will win the day.”

5. Urka

Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Urka, use your strength to protect us.”

6. Zarak

Meaning: Savage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zarak, unleash your savagery upon them.”

7. Durga

Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Durga, your might inspires us all.”

8. Morgak

Meaning: Dark
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgak, your darkness is our ally.”

9. Kurg

Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Kurg, your power is our strength.”

10. Thork

Meaning: Brave
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thork, your bravery leads our charge.”

Mystic Half-Orc Names

1. Zarek

Meaning: Mystic
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zarek, your mystic powers are our guide.”

2. Vash

Meaning: Seer
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vash, your visions light our path.”

3. Nurg

Meaning: Sage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Nurg, your wisdom is our strength.”

4. Tharn

Meaning: Prophet
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Tharn, your prophecies guide us.”

5. Drek

Meaning: Enchanter
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Drek, use your enchantments to protect us.”

6. Morgal

Meaning: Shaman
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgal, your shamanic powers are our aid.”

7. Kasha

Meaning: Sorcerer
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Kasha, your sorcery is unmatched.”

8. Zurak

Meaning: Mystic
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurak, your mystic arts are our hope.”

9. Thraxa

Meaning: Oracle
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thraxa, your oracles guide us.”

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10. Norga

Meaning: Mystic
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Norga, your mystic aura is our strength.”

Noble Half-Orc Names

1. Tharok

Meaning: Noble
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Tharok, your nobility inspires us all.”

2. Karnak

Meaning: Leader
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Karnak, your leadership is our guide.”

3. Brona

Meaning: Regal
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Brona, your regal presence commands respect.”

4. Zurga

Meaning: Noble
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurga, your nobility is unmatched.”

5. Morgoth

Meaning: Lord
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgoth, your lordship is our strength.”

6. Varnak

Meaning: Prince
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Varnak, your princely ways guide us.”

7. Thara

Meaning: Queen
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thara, your queenly grace leads us.”

8. Urgoth

Meaning: King
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Urgoth, your kingly might inspires us.”

9. Nark

Meaning: Ruler
Origin: Orcish

Example: “Nark, your rule is our stability.”

10. Draka

Meaning: Duchess
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Draka, your duchess title commands respect.”

SevereHalf-Orc Names

1. Gorn

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gorn, your fierceness in battle is feared.”

2. Krag

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krag, your savagery is unmatched.”

3. Thurn

Meaning: Wild
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thurn, your wild nature is our weapon.”

4. Zurg

Meaning: Brutal
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurg, your brutality is our strength.”

5. Urn

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Urn, your fierceness is our advantage.”

6. Drakna

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Drakna, your savagery is our power.”


continue generating


7. Morgun

Meaning: Wild
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgun, your wild spirit leads us in battle.”

8. Karg

Meaning: Brutal
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Karg, your brutality breaks our enemies.”

9. Thruk

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thruk, your fierce gaze intimidates our foes.”

10. Varnak

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Varnak, your severe strength is our weapon.”

Wise Half-Orc Names

1. Thurin

Meaning: Wise
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thurin, your wisdom guides us all.”

2. Gornak

Meaning: Sage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gornak, your sage advice is invaluable.”

3. Krasha

Meaning: Scholar
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krasha, your scholarly knowledge aids our quest.”

4. Morgon

Meaning: Sage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgon, your sage words lead us.”

5. Durnak

Meaning: Wise
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Durnak, your wisdom is our strength.”

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6. Vurak

Meaning: Sage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vurak, your sage counsel is our guide.”

7. Kurn

Meaning: Wise
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Kurn, your wisdom lights our path.”

8. Throna

Meaning: Scholar
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Throna, your scholarly pursuits benefit us all.”

9. Zurnak

Meaning: Wise
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurnak, your wisdom is our compass.”

10. Norgun

Meaning: Sage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Norgun, your sage advice is our anchor.”

Fierce Half-Orc Names

1. Krugor

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krugor, your fierceness inspires our warriors.”

2. Throga

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Throga, your savagery leads our charge.”

3. Gorak

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gorak, your fierce nature is our weapon.”

4. Vurgan

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vurgan, your savagery strikes fear.”

5. Durnak

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Durnak, your fierceness is our shield.”

6. Zurna

Meaning: Savage
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zurna, your savagery inspires us.”

7. Morgor

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morgor, your fierceness is legendary.”

8. Karnak

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Karnak, your savagery is our strength.”

9. Thrana

Meaning: Fierce
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thrana, your fierceness in battle is unmatched.”

10. Vorka

Meaning: severe
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vorka, your savagery leads our charge.”

Powerful Half-Orc Names


Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Thorg, your power is our might.”


Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Krugor, your might is our strength.”


Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Vork, your strength is our shield.”


Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Gorg, your power leads us.”


Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Durn, your might inspires us.”


Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Zog, your strength is our hope.”


Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Morg, your power is our weapon.”


Meaning: Mighty
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Karn, your might is our guide.”


Meaning: Strong
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Throg, your strength is unmatched.”


Meaning: Powerful
Origin: Orcish
Example: “Varg, your power is our advantage.”

Creating a compelling and dynamic half-orc character begins with choosing the right name. Whether you’re looking for a fierce warrior, a wise sage, or a powerful leader, these unique names are sure to bring your fantasy creatures to life.

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